4th of July Cupcake Ideas
June 28, 2019 in Dessert, RecipeThe celebration of the 243rd birthday of America is almost here and that being said, here are adorable patriotic 4th of July cupcake ideas to add to your menu in case you love celebrating Independence Day with sweets and treats like this. I haven’t...
Currently…(June 2019) Hubby E...
June 26, 2019 in PersonalAnd here we go again, y’all; I’m back! I’ve been very remiss in sharing blogging duties with Lynndee as of late. However, I had a good excuse seeing that I had taken a job. Working… It was back in February that I shared that...
Currently…(June 2019) Wifey E...
June 24, 2019 in PersonalIt’s time for another ‘Currently’ post. We’ve been having quite a lot of rain here lately and actually had a thunderstorm over the weekend. It kind of reminds me of my country because June is the start of the rainy months which lasts up...
7 Delicious Avocado Smoothie Recipe...
June 21, 2019 in RecipeHappy National Smoothie Day! I love a smoothie either for breakfast or snack so I think it’s just right to celebrate this national holiday. And my most favorite is an avocado smoothie, thus, this round-up of avocado smoothie recipes. In my home country, restaurants...