Places We Have Visited in Georgia...
August 12, 2019 in TravelGeorgia is our neighboring state and it only take us a couple of hours to reach the state line on a road trip. We have seen quite a few places in this peach state and I know there are many more things to see....
Chili Dog Tater Tot Casserole
August 9, 2019 in RecipeBoth my son and husband love tater tots, but I always just prepare them either deep fried or baked paired with bacon and eggs plus rice for my son for breakfast. Not until I saw this casserole recipe. I thought it would be nice...
Awesome Attractions Await You in At...
August 5, 2019 in Attractions, TravelWe have been to Atlanta, Georgia many times. Ironically, it’s the place I first set foot on American soil for it was my port of entry when the Hubs brought me here to become his better half, so I’ll always have a special and...
July Recap
August 2, 2019 in Blogging, RecapGoodbye, July! Hello, August! Time sure is flying, isn’t it? I was just talking about Christmas in July and now here we are, starting August already. But I did enjoy the Christmas movies to the fullest. And before we know it, the most wonderful...