8-Years Down…Forever to Go!...
February 6, 2019 in Celebrations, PersonalYesterday was one of those extra special days celebrated by couples that have found the joy of sharing a life together: a wedding anniversary. And Lynndee and I have now embarked on the journey down the road of our 9th year of being as...
Tips for a Healthy and Happy Marria...
February 4, 2019 in Personal, RelationshipWith just a few hours away to begin celebrating our Wedding Anniversary, I realized it’s about time for me to share some tips for a healthy and happy marriage. But to be clear, I am not at all a professional or an expert when...
January Recap
February 1, 2019 in Blogging, RecapIs it just me or has January seemed to last forever for you too? Not that I’m complaining. Just wondering. Or maybe the bitterly cold days made me feel that way. Or better yet, I am just way too excited for February to arrive....
I Spy a World of Spies
January 30, 2019 in BooksIt was just at the beginning of last year, in January of 2018, that I wrote a post telling of my love of the James Bond character and my attempt to reread the series of books written by Ian Fleming. Unfortunately, my local library...