More Black & White Magic: O. H...
May 10, 2017 in EntertainmentContinuing on last week’s theme, I’ll share more of my recent movie watching. Unlike last week’s movie, this one, though a black and white work, isn’t a classic. I’d never even heard of it until I ran across it on my TV schedule. Still,...
7 Mother’s Day Ideas for Dads...
May 8, 2017 in Celebrations, Mother's DayMy husband never fails to make me feel special on Mother’s Day. My son and him always connive and share secrets with each other in regards to my Mother’s Day surprises. But more often than not, although there were Mother’s Day surprises for me...
Avocado Dessert Recipes
May 5, 2017 in Dessert, Food Trip Friday, RecipeHappy Food Trip Friday and Happy Cinco de Mayo! I love avocado…it’s my most favorite fruit of all, not only because of its healthy benefits, but because of how tasty and delicious it is too. More often than not, I prepare an avocado smoothie...
“From Here to Eternity”...
May 3, 2017 in Entertainment, MovieAs many of the faithful followers of this blog know, over the times of my writing here, I’ve posted many articles about books and movies, two of my most favorite pastimes. And today, I’m mixing the two. As of late, between all the times...