The Graveyard…
in Places…of my BA’s departed loved ones. He visited the place during his dad’s death anniversary sometime in August. I know this post is a little bit late for All Soul’s Day but better late than never, right? There’s one reason too why I thought...
Girls Like to Play, Too!
November 5, 2009 in CarsIf there’s one thing that is fascinating about men, it’s their passion for cars. And that includes not only the vehicle itself but all the other goodies there are that have something to do with cars – racing; magazines; building models; fix-it-yourself manuals; et...
Change in Season; Change in Color...
November 3, 2009 in TravelI used to believe that these trees are made possessing those bright and colorful colors. I have only seen them in pictures or in movies and I even wondered what they were called until a few days ago when my BA enlightened me. In...
October 30, 2009 in Occasion; Musings; Music; Relationship; Love;Though a day early, in preparation for All Hallows Even I want to share some approriately eerie music and lyrics (check this LINK to see the history and origin of this day, which speaks to my Scot-Irish, Gaelic-Celtic roots) And who better than Blue...