Flowers for Me
July 25, 2009 in OccasionAren’t they lovely? Well, i may have not got hold of them for real but the thought that it was his flowers and he sent it to my email while thinking of me is sweet enough for me. Hee hee. Does it sound cheesy?...
More Friendly Little Creatures, or...
July 20, 2009 in Animals; CrittersThe other day Lynndee posted some pics of one of my squirrel buddies, one of the many who live on my property. And just the other day, I was fortunate to have a photo op of some rabbits who just so happened to be hopping...
Friendly Little Creatures
July 15, 2009 in AnimalsA picture taken by my new bogging partner Peregrine. Squirrels roam around his place from time to time. I haven’t seen a real squirrel in my whole life though I do believe that they are present in the zoo. Well, we don’t have a...
So You’ve Met…
July 11, 2009 in Just Me…….with my partner, Peregrine. How was the meeting? LOL. Glad he finally introduced himself. He’s been through a lot this week but despite that, he managed to write a post here and I truly appreciate him spending his time writing his introductory post. It’s...